Welcome to the Cyber Security Group
The Cyber Security Group within Washington State University’s Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture is the university’s only Registered Student Organization (RSO) dedicated to computer and network security.
The purpose of the Computer Security Group is to teach cyber security techniques, practices, and ethics. The techniques and practices will be real world methods to help prepare members for the reality of cyber security. This will be achieved through the use of a hands on lab, tech talks, and games which simulate real world situations. We work closely with CySER as well. There will also be various competitions that we attend throughout the year!
Our mission is three-fold: to collaborate and exchange knowledge with local colleges and universities, to help train college students of all backgrounds in the field of cybersecurity, and to compete in competitions and CTFs (for example, the https://www.nationalccdc.org/) to expand and cultivate our knowledge.